The Gaming Chronicles newsletter focuses on curating the latest web3 gaming news, every weeks.
You will find latest news, educational content and game reviews.
Immutable and Polygon announced a partnership ! More here.
CCP Games raised $40M ! More here.
Ronin introduced social logins! More here.
NCSOFT is hiring ! More here.
Metapixel announced its partnership with creators ! More here.
Fableborne closed playtest is starting soon ! More here.
Robin Guo and Josh Lu wrote a piece about AI-powered UGC:
Current UGC giants are Roblox & Minecraft.
AI tooling will drastically accelerate development.
It will create new production pipelines, interaction models etc.
Bohdan Melnychuk about on-chain gaming and viable systems:
Hyper-financialization is inevitable.
Game design is everything.
"By incentivizing early entry, you will get players once. By incentivizing the skill play, you will get players continuously."
Rod Oliveira shared a lot of useful resources to learn about the gaming industry:
@0xjrp What do you want to learn exactly? News, general info, game development,...? It's hard to condense decades of knowledge and discovery in a bunch of reads. 🤔 I've handpicked a couple that you should keep on your bookmarks plus some extras. Industry News:…
Shamboy shared AGR:
Free-to-play web3 mobile game.
The team worked on games like Need for Speed, Forza or For Honor.

Conglomerate reviewed Outer:
Challenging game offering PvE, PvP & PvPvE.
Built by Crystal Labs, who worked on Idle Mafia and Richman 10.
Haru shared his comments about Abyss World:
Dark Fantasy ARPG built on Sui.
Support Epic Games, Steam and PS5.
【 #AbyssWorld 解説】 🎮:@AbyssWorldHQ ⛓:@SuiNetwork 🛠:@MetagameHQ ✅Suiで構築されるダークファンタジーアクションARPG ✅EpicGames、Steam、PS5対応予定 ✅MystenLabsと提携、IGN、AMD、EpicGamesから支援を受ける ✅2023年Q4リリース予定 ✅Steamウィッシュリストは7万超え ⬇️1/7 NFA DYOR《🎁#AbyssWorld WL Giveaway🎁》 ✅Microsoft、IGN、EPICGamesから支援を受けるSuiのアクションRPG ✅ $AWT (ネイティブトークン)と $Sui エアドロが着くGazer NFT ⬆️こちらのWLをGiveaway 🎁:WL×5 ⏱:24h〆 ✅@AbyssWorldHQ @haru_BCG +👤 ✅RT&♡&tag×2 ✅ discord🔺 @haru_BCG
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